Here at Imtakt USA we are excited to unveil our brand new website. Besides a fresh new style, we have added quite a bit of new content to enhance your web-browsing experience… well, at least while you’re on our site. We have made it even easier and faster to find the application notes, poster presentation or peer-reviewed journal article that you are looking for, all in one search. Searching will be more powerful and fun since you can simultaneously search by keyword, category or column stationary phase. This should really get your inquisitive searching juices flowing. It will also be much easier to find the column that you are looking for since we added more than 150 new part numbers. You will now be able to seamlessly go from application note to purchasing the correct column in just a few clicks.
This is all part of our continuing effort to give our customers what they want without any nonsense. Just straight-forward good science. Just like our columns. We hope that you will have fun on the new site and we are looking forward to hearing your feedback.